The Cambridge Inter-faith Programme Summer School 2015 – Applications Open
Calling emerging religious leaders around the world – in July/August 2015, Cambridge Inter-faith Programme will bring together an international group from Islamic, Christian and Jewish backgrounds, for three-weeks of immersion in inter-faith and cross-cultural encounter, to resource practical peacemaking and conflict-transformation efforts. The bedrock of the programme is the practice of inter-faith Scriptural Reasoning (SR). Students receive intensive training in SR; they are offered a series of lectures delivered by specialist academics and peacemakers; and they are facilitated in a process of teaching one another about aspects of their traditions. Most importantly, students have the opportunity to get to know, and learn from, their fellow participants. Each year the Summer School receives a delegation of emerging religious leaders from the Sultanate of Oman, a key supporter of the programme, as well as students selected from a wide variety of countries from around the world.
The cost of tuition, accommodation, on-site meals, activities and visits will be covered by the Cambridge Inter-faith Programme. Students will be asked to pay a deposit of £250 – refundable at the end of the Summer School – and will need to source their own funds to cover their travel to and from Cambridge.
The closing date for applications is Friday 13th February 2015.
For more information and our Summer School film vist