Call for Papers: International Annual Conference on Jewish Studies
SEFER Center has announced that the 25th International Annual Conference on Jewish Studies will take place in Moscow on February 4-6, 2018.
The conference program will include sections reflecting the traditional areas of Jewish studies (Biblical and Talmudic Studies, Jewish Thought, Jewish History, Judeo-Christian Relations, the Holocaust, Israeli Studies, Languages and Literature, Art, Ethnology, Demography, Jewish Genealogy, Museums and Archives, etc.). They also welcome topics that require interdisciplinary approaches.
Talks of graduate students and young researchers will be included in the youth panels of the conference with the participation of discussants invited specifically for this event.
Presentation of scientific papers on Judaica published last year will also take place. If you wish to submit new published works, please contact SEFER so it will be included in the program.
For more information, visit:
The deadline for the applications is November 1, 2017.