2019 LA Next Stage Grant Cycle is Open
The Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles (The Foundation) has launched its 2019 Next Stage Grants program. Grant awards of up to $250,000 over a three-year period are available.
The Foundation will conduct a mandatory, informational workshop for grantseekers on March 12, 2019, with an application submission deadline in August.
Next Stage Grants is a capacity building program designed to support a dynamic and thriving Los Angeles Jewish community both now and into the future. Through funding targeted for capacity building and coaching, selected Jewish nonprofit organizations will gain the support they need to scale to the next level of their success.
“Next Stage Grants were conceived to offer additional support to Jewish nonprofits so that they could learn, grow and more effectively impact our diverse community,” said Foundation President and CEO Marvin I. Schotland. “We’ve seen how this funding has helped our inaugural cohort of grantees. They’ve developed strategic business plans, redesigned their infrastructures and expanded their fundraising efforts. All this leads to more clients being served and overall organizational growth. We’re excited to invest in a new group of nonprofits and help them reach the next stage of their development.”
Organizations interested in applying for a Next Stage Grant can learn more about the process by visiting www.jewishfoundationla.org/NSG and registering for the grantseekers workshop. Information shared at the workshop will include selection criteria and tips on writing a competitive application. Advance registration is required.