The Week That Was: March 11-17
In today’s world, no nonprofit organization would think twice about collecting, and hopefully analyzing, information about their donors. So too, with website traffic. For how else can one effectively judge site visitors’ demographics and interests?
Based on site and RSS feed analytics, here – in alphabetical order – are the five most popular posts on eJewish Philanthropy last week:
A Look at Jewish Foundation Giving
The Institute for Jewish and Community Research has released FOLLOWING THE MONEY: A Look at Jewish Foundation Giving, a summary that examines giving characteristics of selected Jewish foundations with approximately $20 billion in combined assets who made grants of $1.4 billion to Jewish causes.
Alpha Epsilon Pi: How Paying Fraternity Dues Makes Young Jews Contributing Community Members
by Adam Teitelbaum
A further concern about young Jews is that because they are becoming accustomed to the tendency that their Jewish community involvement comes at no cost to them it negatively impacts their future giving habits. I am apprehensive that as my generation becomes the business developers and leaders, we will fail to see the value of funding Jewish organizations because we assume someone else will contribute instead, or we are capable of finding a free version of any given program.
Engaging Female Donors: Learning from Jewish Women’s Foundations
by Sara Rose Gorfinkel and Emily Muskovitz Sweet
There has been much discussion of late about the Modern Jewish Woman Donor, and whether she may be overlooked in today’s Jewish philanthropic circles. In fact, she is active and thriving, not just in Jewish federations, but particularly within Jewish women’s foundations across the country.
Israeli Billionaire Shari Arison Promotes ‘Good Deeds Day’
by Abigail Pickus
Israel’s wealthiest woman – who happens to also be the richest woman in the Middle East and #57 on Forbes Most Powerful Women in the World list – has made it her mission to encourage good deeds and positive thinking.
The Dog Wags the Tail: Successful Educational Transformation
by Zachary Lasker, Ed.D.
The amazing race is on to design the new, ultimate Jewish learning experience. Professional educators are valiantly trying to transform their programs of education to maintain – or even increase – their enrollment. The fuel for this pursuit is quite powerful.
Click the red tab above for previous weeks most popular posts.