Study: North American Russian-Speaking Young Adults Meet Birthright Israel
The Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies has released Understanding the Jewish Identity and Experiences of Russian-Speaking Young Adults: A Study of the Taglit-Birthright Israel Generation.
Hundreds of thousands of Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union (FSU) and their children reside in North America. The Jewish community is paying increasing attention to the Jewish identity of the young adults in this group. Taglit-Birthright Israel (Taglit) is one program that has successfully engaged this demographic. The report draws on data collected in a set of surveys conducted approximately three months before and after the Taglit trips in summer ’07, winter ’07-’08, and summer ’08, as well as focus groups and individual interviews. The result is a comprehensive portrait of Russian-speaking Jewish young adults. In addition to describing the socio-demographic characteristics and Jewish and Russian identities of Taglit participants, the report explores potential avenues to better engage this group’s unique Russian-Jewish cultural and linguistic heritage and encourage their full participation in American Jewish life.
The complete report is available here.