Now Accepting Applications for the Third Cohort of the HUC-JIR Founders’ Fellowship
The Jewish community is changing and requires greater innovation than ever before. Just as Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s founders were unwilling to sit idly by and accept the status quo, so too are we looking to act towards renewal. The Founders’ Fellowship calls upon leaders in campus communities to share their visions for change.
During this Fellowship, participants will:
- Workshop initiatives to strengthen progressive Jewish life in their own campus community.
- Acquire critical leadership skills to catalyze their vision and implement change.
- Network with dynamic, animated, and creative college students invested in progressive Jewish values.
The Fellowship will last for six months, beginning with a three-day kick-off weekend in New York City on November 16-19, 2017, followed by bi-monthly check-ins and webinars from December 2017 through May 2018.
To learn more and apply, visit: