Limmud Chavruta Tikkun Leyl Resource for Shavuot 2017
At Shavuot, which begins on the evening of Tuesday May 30th, there is a tradition of staying up all night and learning in a ‘Tikkun Leyl Shavuot.’
The Limmud Chavruta Project is delighted to present its fourth downloadable Chavruta study materials for your Tikkun Leyl Shavuot.
This year the material is on the theme of Peoplehood, and invites us to explore the relationship between choice and recognition, the diversity of Jewish identity today, and the very essence of what it means to be a people. Each source consists of one or more texts, plus some discussion questions to get the conversation flowing.
You can check it out, and download, here.
Limmud has a limited number of high-quality printed copies for sale. Please email: office