JDC Celebrates Passover Diversity with ReOrdered Holiday Kit; Provides Matzah and Passover Activities Worldwide
This Passover, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) is promoting the diversity of global Jewish life through its JDC Entwine ReOrdered Passover Kit – a do-it-yourself package including stories, toasts, recipes and traditions from eight Jewish communities worldwide – and continuing its long tradition of matzah delivery and Passover activities in local Jewish communities globally. Among these activities are seder meals, cooking workshops, volunteer opportunities, and cultural and educational events from Mumbai to Moscow. The provision of more than 25 tons of matzah to poor, elderly Jews in the former Soviet Union is made possible through JDC’s partnerships with the Claims Conference, Jewish Federations, and the IFCJ Lifeline, JDC’s operational partnership with the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ).
ReOrdered was launched in 2018 by Entwine, JDC’s young adult engagement platform. The kit offers participants an inside look into the Passover traditions of Jewish communities in Ethiopia, Morocco, the Former Soviet Union, Sarajevo. New for this year is an expansion pack highlighting communities in Argentina, Greece, India, and Poland. The free kit, which last year touched more than 7,000 people at their Passover seders, is expected to be used this Passover at more than 400 seders in 18 countries around the world. The kit was created with the support of the William Davidson Foundation.

In addition to the matzah delivery in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, JDC supports multigenerational model seders throughout the post-Soviet region. Volunteers in the region will also continue home visits to homebound and vulnerable populations during the Passover holiday. Additionally, in Nikolaev a special Passover concert will take place at a local café and in Kharkov, parents and children are invited to participate in a cooking class focused on traditional Passover dishes. In Zaporozhye, participants can learn the history and traditions of the holiday at a class offered at the local Hesed.
In Egypt, JDC distributed 88 pounds of matzah, chicken soup powder and other Passover food items to help the remaining Jewish population celebrate the holiday. Communal seders will be offered in communities in Kosice, Montenegro, Bosnia, India, Hungary and Romania. In Hungary, dozens of families will attend a communal seder at the JCC Budapest on the second night of Passover. In addition to the seders, various educational programming and events for children and teens are also planned around Poland, Germany and Romania leading up to the Passover holiday – in Berlin, JDC is supporting a LGBTIQ – friendly seder event and in Warsaw, local children can participate in the third-annual “Haggadah in the field,” a Passover themed treasure hunt around the city.