All Eyes On Me: Happy Birthday Israel!
Taglit Birthright Israel’s latest YouTube video is a fun-filled romp across the country in celebration of Israel’s 60th anniversary on May 8th. Starring Tasha and Dishka, two Israelis from Ramle and early YouTube sensations with their Hey! clip (22 million views!), these two lip synch to the Carsitters “All Eyes on Me” as they make their way across Israel. The lead singer of the Carsitters is none other than Noa Margalit who I met at last year’s ROI120 Summit and this video was produced by Leah Stern, another ROI2007 alum and, well, me. The point of the video was to show an image of a fun and vibrant Israel – said image being more reflective of our daily reality than what one tends to see in the media. So now you know what I’ve been doing all of the last week – consorting with rock stars and traveling up and down the country in the company of serious Israeli babes.
Anyhow… here it is! Enjoy, rate, comment and share with your friends and family.
David Abitbol, is the founder of, an occasional contributor and adviser to eJewish Philanthropy on new media.