What Are the Journeys That Matter Most to Us?
“Go Forth” on the Global Day of Jewish Learning
Be part of the 9th Annual Global Day of Jewish Learning
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Text-learning curriculum available for registered communities, free of charge
Have you ever begun a journey without knowing the destination? In this week’s Torah reading Abraham is told to “go forth” and he sets off into the unknown.
On Sunday, November 11th, Jews around the world also have the opportunity to “go forth” and explore the journeys that matter most to us. From ancient adventures to the modern diaspora, spiritual to physical, Jewish texts are full of different journeys. We invite your community to register (it’s free!) and join hundreds of communities worldwide in a day-long celebration of Jewish text: the Global Day of Jewish Learning.
Ask questions like:
- What does it mean to wander?
- In your community’s journey, what are the “stops along the way” you made?
- How can a nation or people exist in diaspora?
- Does Jonah’s journey transform him?
- What can you learn from the history of your name?
With free, ready-to-use discussion guides and videos, local organizers can easily create learning events that unite their communities. Resources on “Extraordinary Passages: Texts and Travels” are free of charge. They include:
- Curricular materials for adults, middle school and elementary school students, available in English, Russian, Spanish, and Hebrew. The English curriculum features commentary from the new Steinsaltz Humash.
- One of the curricular units explores Abraham’s “Journey into the Unknown” – here’s a taste of it.
- Early childhood programming content is available through our partnership with PJ Library.
- Video classes are broadcast LIVE from around the world for the Global Day ON AIR year-long webcast series. Begin learning now with talks on “Mishpachology 101: Jewish genealogy,” Jonah, and this week’s talk on “Travelers, Tourists, Pilgrims: Identity and Place in Journeys to the Jewish South.”
“The decision to make time and move one step forward is not the solution to all problems; it is merely to move one step forward and keep moving. Wherever you may be, move just a bit forward,” writes Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, as perhaps both a challenge and an encouragement. Take the challenge and go one step forward: join the adventure of the Global Day of Jewish Learning.
The Global Day of Jewish Learning is a project of the Aleph Society, and furthers Rabbi Steinsaltz’s mission to “Let My People Know.” The Global Day is dedicated to the life and legacy of Ralph I. Goldman z”l. To learn more visit theglobalday.org/about or contact Karen Sponder, Project Director: karen@theglobalday.org.