The Week That Was: August 19-25

In today’s world, no nonprofit organization would think twice about collecting, and hopefully analyzing, information about their donors. So too, with website traffic. For how else can one effectively judge site visitors’ demographics and interests?

Based on site and RSS feed analytics, here – in alphabetical order – are the most popular posts on eJewish Philanthropy last week:

$6 Million for Moishe House: The Good News, the Better News and the Caveats
by Andrés Spokoiny

As funders, we love starts-ups. We love the energy, the innovation, and we love discovering and funding a great idea. The problem is that we also lose interest. We move to the next big thing and we sometimes fail to see that that the start-up’s crucial phase is not its inception, but its consolidation.

Creating Jewish Engagement

Writing on her personal blog, Esther Kustanowitz shares important thoughts on engaging young Jewish adults:

“Affiliation is a choice. Civic engagement is a choice. Social activism is a choice. And when it comes to making space in their lives for those choices, many of which exist concurrently and definitely non-exclusively, most NextGen people don’t rely on organizations to do it for them, because they can do it better, faster, stronger and cheaper themselves.”

Senior Global Planning Table Professional Resigns

Joanne Moore, Senior Vice President of the Jewish Federations of North America and the professional tasked with leading the Global Planning Department, has resigned.

The Value of Jewish Summer Camp
by Paul Lewis

Summer is over and the kids are back from overnight camp. After 17 loads of laundry you discover your child lost two pair of shorts…

What else did your child bring home? If you sent her to a Jewish overnight camp, you hope she returns with an increased sense of Jewish identity, perhaps Jewish friends for life and maybe even a deeper understanding of, and commitment to, Jewish tradition. That is, after all, what Jewish camps promise.

Click the red tab above for previous weeks most popular posts.