NewsBits: Around The Jewish Web

The following are items appearing on other Web sites you may find of interest.

Ahava Zarembski writes on Amuta 2.0:

Socially Responsible Investments: Creative Capitalism and the Jewish World

In the Jewish world, we have traditionally looked to engage philanthropy and government to address our needs. With the decline in the traditional type of philanthropy, particularly amongst younger givers, and combined with the current and foreseeable financial climate, we must engage businesses as a third partner, use new models of philanthropy, and demonstrate that businesses’ financial interests can be addressed at the same time as internal needs.

and this from South Africa:

Top media consultant gets back behind the microphone

One of South Africa’s top media consultants, Janine Lazarus, will be hosting an evening hard news talk show on a new Jewish community radio station that will be taking to the airwaves in December this year.

The show which will be broadcast on Chai FM will throw the spotlight on issues unique to the Jewish community.

Are we seeing a new trend – or is this just now making news; from Inside HigherEd:

Why More Colleges Want Jewish Students

College counselors and colleges alike – particularly small liberal arts colleges – are reporting explicit efforts to attract more Jewish applicants or build Jewish student life on campus, or both (since the two goals go hand in hand). For instance, Washington and Lee University, a decidedly Southern-influenced institution in Virginia, has identified “recruiting and supporting Jewish students at W&L” as a fundraising priority, and is constructing a $4 million Hillel House.

Stereotyping or Diversifying?

Talking about increasing the number of Jewish students is to talk of a delicate matter. After all, for much of their history, many elite private colleges didn’t particularly welcome Jews, and some imposed quotas. Others didn’t go that route but never considered whether the lack of Jewish services of any kind would make their institutions seem unwelcoming. One other reason this move is a bit controversial is that Jewish students as a whole are not outcasts in American higher education. Unlike outreach to minority students who may not feel they have college options, recruiting of Jewish students is almost always of students who will almost certainly go to college — it’s just a matter of where.

image: Shalom BC (Vancouver)