Applications Open: Zelikow School of Jewish Nonprofit Management Programs

zelikow_new_Oct2016The Zelikow School of Jewish Nonprofit Management was founded in 1968 as the School of Jewish Communal Service to address the need for more highly trained and Jewishly committed professionals in Jewish life. Over the past 40 years the Zelikow School has earned a distinguished reputation as a premier center for the education of Jewish professional leaders.

Our project-intensive curriculum requires creative problem solving that engages you hands-on in the work that will shape your practice as a professional in nonprofit management.

We believe you learn by doing. Working side-by-side with faculty who are experienced practitioners, as a Zschool student you will develop the nonprofit “know how” to take a leadership position in an existing Jewish organization or launch your own.

We offer a traditional two-year Masters of Arts in Jewish Nonprofit Management (MAJNM). We also offer dual degrees with USC (University of Southern California), and concurrent degrees with HUC (Hebrew Union College). This year, we are piloting an Accelerated Masters Program for professionals at Director/Manager level positions to complete their MAJNM in two summers, while maintaining their job during the academic year.

Applications are now open for the Summer 2017 term. Limited Spots. Limited Scholarships. Apply Early!

Application deadline: February 15, 2017
2017 Program dates: June 8 – August 1
2018 Program dates: June 14 – August 7

For more information visit: or contact Melissa Garai or 213.765.2173