Transform the way you teach Jewish texts at the Kevah Teaching Fellowship

Kevah Teaching FellowshipAs Jewish professionals, we are expected to be able to teach the Torah we’ve learned – but rarely are we trained to do it well.

At Kevah, we have years of experience running adult learning groups nationally, and we have developed a unique model that sees the educator as not just a content expert, but as a skilled facilitator who helps to create a “group chevruta.”

Transform the way you teach Jewish texts at the Kevah Teaching Fellowship!
May 31 through June 14, 2016 in Berkeley, CA

  • Join a pluralistic cohort of gifted Jewish educators.
  • Learn from experts in Adult Jewish Education.
  • Practice techniques in teaching workshops.
  • Actualize your skills by teaching a public lesson on Shavuot.

Visit the FAQ for more information. Apply here by February 15. Space is limited!
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