Robert “Bob” Lappin, z”l
The Lappin Foundation has announced the passing of Robert Israel Lappin, 98, on Friday morning. Businessman, philanthropist, and visionary, Bob Lappin was well-known and highly regarded locally and internationally for Lappin Foundation’s innovative Youth to Israel Adventure (Y2I), which he created 50 years ago and has funded ever since.
The majority of Bob Lappin’s philanthropy focused on serving Jewish youth of the North Shore of Massachusetts. The impact of his philanthropy spans decades. Israel had a special place in Bob Lappin’s heart, and he was passionate about sending Jewish teens to Israel, which he has been doing for the past half-century and which will continue for the next 50 years and beyond.
Lappin Foundation’s mission of enhancing Jewish identity across generations reflects Bob Lappin’s deep desire to nurture Jewish pride in our children. He funded programs of Jewish living and learning that brought Judaism into the homes and into the hearts of countless number of Jewish and interfaith families. He believed it wasn’t enough to teach about the beauty of Judaism; people needed the knowledge, tools and the authentic experience of all that Judaism offers.
Bob truly embraced life and all that came his way, appreciating the good and dealing with the bad, including the Madoff fraud in 2008, which wiped out all of the assets of the Robert I. Lappin Supporting Foundation, totaling eight million dollars.