PJ Library launches High Holidays at Home Guide for Families
Each fall, Jews around the world celebrate the High Holidays: Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). It’s a time when one can take a deep breath and think about the ways to make ourselves and the world a better place. Traditionally, many families celebrate the holidays at synagogue and with relatives and friends. This year, to stay safe, many are staying home, so PJ Library has created a free, everything-you-need family guide to help celebrate what may be many family’s first High Holidays spent entirely at home.
The beautifully-illustrated High Holidays at Home: A PJ Library Family Guide features new and familiar rituals, hands-on activities such as shofar making and challah baking, conversation starters, “unpacking” of selected prayers (with tips on talking with children about God), and family-friendly explanations – all aimed at making the ten days the High Holidays are celebrated meaningful, memorable and fun for families, this year and in the future.
Beginning August 27th, the PJ Library Family Guide will be available for free download at pjlibrary.org/highholidays. It is also accompanied by an interactive online companion that offers helpful how-to videos, music, and audio versions of blessing and prayers.
Let’s begin our new year together! Shanah tova or Happy New Year!