Jewish Federation of Cincinnati Offering New Grants to Support Innovation
The Jewish Federation of Cincinnati is asking organizations and individuals with bold Jewish ideas to apply for new grant funding designed to support innovation that embodies Jewish values. Collectively called the “Jewish Innovation Funds,” this new investment has two parts: macrogrants awarded for large-scale initiatives, and microgrants for smaller projects.
The macrogrants, from $10,000 to $50,000, are intended for high-impact projects, broadly conceived: programming, seed capital for nonprofit ventures, tools to enrich communal life or solve critical societal issues, and more. The microgrants, from $500 to $1,500, are intended for new, inventive engagement programming in the Jewish community.
The macrogrants are funded by a “giving circle,” whose members have committed $10,000 each to launch the fund. Investors will decide together how to allocate these charitable dollars. Requests for proposals are open until March 31, 2016. The microgrants will be administered by the Federation’s newly formed Innovation Council, which is made up of ten seasoned Federation volunteers. Microgrants will be awarded on an ongoing basis.
Both organizations and individuals are invited to learn more and apply for the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati’s Jewish Innovation Funds at