First-Ever Kulanu African Jewish Film Festival to be Held in New York City

Kulanu, a grassroots organization that supports returning, emerging, and isolated communities around the globe is hosting the first-ever film festival of African Jewish documentaries focused solely on the experience of Jewish Africans, their challenges and successes, past and present.
The two evening event will feature four films from the Jewish communities in Ghana, Uganda, Nigeria, and Madagascar. After the viewing, there will be an opportunity to meet the directors, producers, and participants of the films in a moderated discussion.

The Jewish Africa Film Festival is part of Kulanu’s 25th Anniversary-Year Celebration, January 28 and 29, 2019 at 6:30 PM, and is in cooperation with American Sephardi Federation and Association Maimouna’s Jewish Africa Conference at the Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16 Street, NYC. The conference includes world-renowned scholars and leaders of African Jewish communities including Professors Tudor Parfitt, Shalva Weil, Marla Brettschneider, Rabbi Capers Funnye and Remy Ilona and many dignitaries and others from around the world that present the wider picture of Jewish life on the continent.
For additional information, or to purchase tickets, visit: