Edu-tech: Are You a Technophile or Technophobe? (revisited)

with thanks to Esther Kustanowitz and

As you gather with family and friends to celebrate Chanukah, we encourage you to pass along this small test of technoliteracy. Print it out and save; post on your message boards, both in the virtual world and the old fashioned one (the kind requiring thumb tacks). And, if your are an organization manager, give this test to each and every staff member and consultant responsible for your marketing and PR efforts. For this group, anything less than a perfect score requires some serious retooling.

  1. What is a blog? Is there a difference between a website and a blog? Do you know how to find Jewish blogs?
  2. What does web 2.0 mean?
  3. What is Wikipedia?
  4. What is YouTube?
  5. What is Facebook? Is it the same as MySpace and Friendster, or are there differences?
  6. What is iTunes? What is an MP3 player?

If you can’t answer all of these questions, it’s definitely time to start learning. Technology is not going away.