Applications Open: Jewish Federation of Cincinnati “Jewish Innovation Funds”
The Jewish Federation of Cincinnati and its funding partners are again looking for bold new ideas in their second year of grant offerings collectively called “Jewish Innovation Funds.” The grants provide seed money for innovative ideas to solve critical issues and strengthen Jewish community.
The 2016 grants were awarded to five recipients. “In less than a year we’ve watched our dynamic grant winners impact hundreds of lives and contribute significantly to a vibrant Jewish community in Cincinnati,” said Danielle Minson, Chief Development Officer at the Federation. “Plus, we’ve welcomed interest from Jewish federations in other cities who are seeing our program as a model. Now we’re back, bigger and better.”
Like last year, the grants are available at two levels, “macrogrants” for large-scale initiatives and “microgrants” for smaller projects. The macrogrants offer $10,000 to $50,000 in seed capital to nonprofit ventures with bold ideas for enriching Jewish life or addressing Jewish and community needs. The microgrants offer $500 to $1,500, also for innovative ideas but on a smaller scale.
Inspiration for the Jewish Innovation Funds began when generous local donors approached the Federation to suggest starting a giving circle with the purpose of addressing needs and supporting Jewish innovation in Cincinnati.
Organizations and individuals are invited to apply for the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati’s Jewish Innovation Funds grants at The application period for macrogrants opens on March 6 and closes on April 6, 2017.