82% of Surveyed Millennials Plan to Raise their Kids Jewishly!
UJA-Federation of New York has released important new research on Jewish Millennials. The report, Insights and Strategies for Engaging Jewish Millennials, looked at Jewish 20- and 30-somethings in New York City.
One of the key findings – especially for all the doomsayers – is that 82% of those surveyed plan to raise their children Jewish!
- The report looked at who Jewish New York City millennials are, including their lifestyles, needs goals and current preferences;
- Their sense of Jewish Identity and the role being Jewish plays in their lives;
- Fresh opportunities to connect with them and strengthen their relationship to Judaism.
According to the report, “… a common theme was that millennials see many current efforts at Jewish engagement as requiring them to “step back” from the areas that are the major focus of their lives. Activities such as Shabbat dinners and religious services, even those geared toward young adults, are removed from the goals currently at the forefront for the majority of the millenials surveyed.
If Jewish organizations and professionals can find more ways to “step in” to those areas of interest, and meet millenials on their own terms, they will have a better chance of creating engaging programs and activities.”
The complete report, including data and “guidelines for stepping in with millennials,” is available for download. The report is a must-read for all organizations engaging this demographic, regardless of locale.