Trybal Gatherings for young Jewish Adults opens 2018 Registration

Trybal Gatherings, which last year launched a series of four-day all-inclusive getaways at Jewish summer camps for young Jewish adults, is back for 2018 – with three new camps. The Gatherings are open to non-Jewish partners and friends who want to explore Jewish community. Registration for Gatherings is now open, with a discounted early bird special available until March 31, 2018.
Each camp weekend includes both classic and reimagined camp activities for adults, such as color war, ropes courses, a Bar Mitzvah themed dance party, and inclusive and informal Shabbat experiences. All meals, lodging, and an open bar are included.
The Gatherings for 2018 are:
Midwest / Aug 16-20: Oconomowoc, WI at URJ Olin-Sang-Ruby-Union Institute (OSRUI)
East Coast / Sept 6-9: Berkshires, MA at Eisner Camp
West Coast / Sept 21-24: Malibu, CA at Gindling Hilltop Camp
For many, Trybal Gatherings is an entry point to and for other Jewish life experiences.
“We arrived as strangers but left as a new Trybal Community,” says Julie Wolfman of Boston. “It was unlike any camp experience I’ve ever had and I am incredibly grateful to have been a part of it. It was truly a magical weekend for people who had attended Jewish summer camp growing up and people who didn’t.”
Early Bird registration for young adult camps is $499. Regular registration is $580. Through a partnership with NuRoots, a program of The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, a number of Los Angeles residents are being subsidized to attend camp in Malibu.
Trybal Gatherings sponsors include OneTable, Masa Israel Journey, and Reboot. Other product sponsors include Samuel Adams, Clif Bar, The Fat Jewish, Shmaltz Brewery, The Matzo Project, Dunkin’ Donuts, and Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.