TOM Named 1 of 15 Technology Companies To Watch In 2018
Kol HaKavod to TOM, a start-up of Tel Aviv’s Reut Group, for being named “1 of 15 Technlology Companies to Watch” in 2018 by Forbes:
“While hackathons have been all the rage, an equally awesome brother of the famous geek gathering – that is, the makeathon – is on the rise. If you’re asking what the heck a makeathon is, think hackathon – as in lots of nerds gathering and working together all day and night towards building something great – except instead of making software products, participants make physical, tangible items. One of the most impressive startups in the makeathon arena is TOM, a nonprofit that brings together developers, designers, engineers and makers in order to solve everyday problems for people with disabilities. TOM connects “need-knowers” (people with disabilities) with professionals for a two or three-day volunteer makeathon event. The teams learn about a specific problem and build a product that solves it, before the end of the event. TOM, which is based in Israel, has hosted dozens of makeathons all over the world, from Kazakhstan and Buenos Aires to Melbourne and New York.”
TOM was launched by Arnon Zamir and Josh Gottesman in 2014 as part of a Schusterman Connection Points Program.