The Week That Was: January 29-February 4
In today’s world, no nonprofit organization would think twice about collecting, and hopefully analyzing, information about their donors. So too, with website traffic. For how else can one effectively judge site visitors’ demographics and interests?
Based on site and RSS feed analytics, here – in descending order – are the five most popular posts on eJewish Philanthropy last week:
Can Birthright Israel Alone Reverse Young Adults’ Declining Support of Local Jewish Communities?
by Joel Frankel
… Birthright was able to accomplish this tremendous feat with one small, but not insignificant, side effect. They have made it so easy to visit Israel that they have begun to breed a generation of emotionally connected but uninvolved and entitled Jewish young adults.
Findings of the third Guttman-AVI CHAI report, A Portrait of Israeli Jews: Beliefs, Observance, and Values of Israeli Jews.
This week we mark the first Yahrtzeit of Debbie Friedman. Following are remarks offered by her sister Cheryl at a memorial concert in Debbie’s honor at New York’s Central Synagogue, February 1, 2012.
A Jewish State: The Challenge of Haredim
by Donniel Hartman
The actions, policies, and aspirations being expressed and promulgated within sections of the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) community of late, coupled with the “Doomsday” predictions of their rapid demographic growth, have caused many to question whether the Jewish and democratic synthesis is being threatened.
Want to Know What Makes Millennials Tick? Hint: Ask One
by Blair Feehan
Millennials have the capacity and energy to light up the nonprofits they get involved with, but are totally underutilized as volunteers and under-engaged as donors. Is your nonprofit tapping into us? We’re a different breed than what you may be used to, and it may require a whole new set of strategies for your organization: scary, I know, but very do-able. The biggest question to ask when you start thinking about attracting young donors: are you really ready to attract young donors?
Click the red tab above for previous weeks most popular posts.