The Schechter Institute’s Labor Woes
No classes have taken place at Schechter Institute for Jewish Studies which is considered one of the Conservative movement’s flagship institutions in Israel and popular among Anglos.
from Haaretz:
Masorti educators to continue striking over speedy return of docked salaries
Some 30 employees of the Schechter Institute for Jewish Studies demonstrated Wednesday in front of the organization’s Jerusalem headquarter, threatening to continue an open-ended strike they started last week.
The workers are asking for a money withheld during a recent period during which salaries were cut to be returned quickly. The institute’s management has agreed to pay the money but says it can only do so over five years.
Since last Wednesday, no classes have taken place at Schechter, which is considered one of the Conservative movement’s flagship institutions in Israel and popular among Anglos. The strike includes all teaching activities at Schechter, affecting a graduate program in Jewish studies, a rabbinical school, and the TALI fund, a network of pluralistic Jewish education programs in public schools.