Registration Open for the JTFN LearningLab Florida
Join us in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, for a unique professional development experience! The JTFN LearningLab Florida, March 24th, 2020, is a one-day conference specially-designed with workshops, key note speakers and experimental learning spaces. Inspired by the unique methodology of the Jewish teen philanthropy model for building leadership and Jewish identity, this LearningLab is for Jewish teen educators, lay leaders and Jewish organizational professionals of all kinds who are engaging the next generation of changemakers.
We will network, learn from one another, innovate, share resources, and grow our knowledge together.
Registration is now open. Whether you work directly in teen philanthropy, or if you engage teens in other forms of Jewish education, there will be a workshop to inspire and challenge you. Check out our schedule and speakers to find out more.
Contact with any questions or for more information.
The JTFN LearningLab is being made possible thanks to its sponsors: Chasbro, Impact Cubed and the Ruderman Family Foundation.
Jewish Teen Funders Network (JTFN) is the central resource for the network of Jewish teen philanthropy programs in North America, and internationally. JTFN strengthens Jewish engagement and identity through supporting and elevating the field of Jewish teen philanthropy. JTFN achieves this by setting field standards, providing training and resources to professionals, mainstreaming philanthropy into the Jewish teen experience, and serving as a lead catalyst for new programs.