Jewish Emergent Network to hold Public Conference in 2018
The Jewish Emergent Network will gather with Jewish thought leaders from around North America for a Shabbat-based conference in Los Angeles during June 2018. The Jewish Emergent Network is a collaboration between seven Jewish organizations from across the United States, and the will be hosted by IKAR, the Network’s Los Angeles-based organization. All three days of the conference will be open to the public with advance registration, which is expected to open in December 2017.
The public aspect of the gathering will include two cohorts of Network Rabbinic Fellows, the clergy, directors and other professionals from all Network communities and funders. At this gathering, the Network will share best practices and big ideas with clergy, staff, lay-leaders and Jewish thought leaders from around the country, and will learn from those participants in turn. The Network also will share interim learnings from its collaborations and evaluation from the first Rabbinic Fellow cohort experience; reflections on initial successes and challenges from the Network communities, funders and evaluators; and insights on the emerging field of Jewish innovation and community building. The gathering will incorporate different stakeholder groups into different pieces of the gathering, with members of the public taking part in a multi-track curriculum.