Introducing the Slingshot Class of 2016

The organizations included in the Guide are driving the future of Jewish life and engagement by motivating new audiences to participate in their work and responding to the needs of individuals and communitiesboth within and beyond the Jewish community – as never before.

Slingshot-16-National-Cover-RGBSlingshot has released Slingshot ‘16 – its eleventh annual guide to North America’s most innovative Jewish organizations. The Guide, a go-to resource for volunteers, activists and donors looking for new opportunities and projects, will help ensure the Jewish community remains relevant and thriving.

Among the hundreds of organizations that applied for inclusion 50 were selected, and were evaluated on their innovative approach, the impact they have in their work, the leadership they have in their sector, and their effectiveness at achieving results.

Slingshot also published two smaller editions and supplements to accompany the Slingshot Guide. There is one regional edition, the Slingshot Chicago Edition that highlights 16 organizations. These projects each create positive local impact in and around Chicago. For the third time, the Slingshot Supplement on Women & Girls, recognizes 19 Jewish organizations creating social change for women and girls in novel ways. The supplement and editions are a means for even more groups to be part of the Slingshot network and to attract public interest and donor support toward these often otherwise underrepresented areas.

In speaking with eJP prior to the guide’s release, Stefanie Rhodes, Slingshot’s Executive director, said, “Slingshot’s work is to help Jews find, fund and connect to meaningful, exciting experiences in Jewish life. After 11 years, the book remains relevant because it continues to highlight organizations doing exceptional work, serving as the trailblazers for what is possible and inspiring all of us. Whether we look to the guide for funding ideas, best practices or trends in Jewish life, it remains a resource for all of us, providing tremendous hope for our collective future.”

The Chicago Edition of Slingshot is sponsored by the Crown Family Philanthropies and the Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller Fund. The Women & Girls supplement is sponsored by the Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York.

To download PDFs of the guides or order print copies, visit:

Eleven Years of Slingshot

For Slingshot’s eleventh anniversary, the guide features some exciting changes in order to better serve their mission and to ensure that their tactics remain relevant:

  •  Slingshot has gone back to their roots this year featuring 50 organizations!
  • A directory can be found at the back of the National guide with a list of every organization ever featured in the over the past 11 years. A similar list can be found in the back of the Women and Girls supplement for that series.
  • Look out for badges on the profiles this year, indicating both first timers and those projects that have been featured 5 or more times.

This year’s Slingshot 50
followed by two editions and supplements
(in alphabetical order)

A Wider Bridge
The Altamont Bakery
Art Kibbutz
Asylum Arts
Atlanta Jewish Music Festival
Challah for Hunger
The Contemporary Jewish Museum
Created Equal: A Research and Educational Project on Men, Women and the Ethics of Shared Leadership
JCC Charm City Tribe
JCHAI Transisitions
Jewish Kids Groups
Jewish Mindfulness Center of Washington @ Adas Israel
The Kavana Cooperative
Keshet: A Rainbow of Hope for Individuals with Special Needs
Lookstein Virtual Jewish Academy
Mishkan Chicago
Moishe House
Moving Traditions
NewGround: A Muslim-Jewish Partnership For Change
Pearlstone Center
PJ Library
Repair the World
The Righteous Conversations Project
Rimon: The Minnesota Jewish Arts Council
Silverlake Independent Jewish Community Center
Sixth & I Historic Synagogue
SOJOURN: Southern Jewish Resource Network for Gender and Sexual Diversity
SVARA: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva
Urban Adamah
Wilderness Torah
YidLife Crisis

Chicago Edition


B’nai Mitzvah Revolution
Bayit Afterschool
Big Tent Judaism: Chicago
Hands of Peace
InterfaithFamily Chicago
jBaby Chicago
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
Jewish Enrichment Center
KAHAL: Your Jewish Home Abroad
Keshet: A Rainbow of Hope for Individuals with Special Needs
Mishkan Chicago
Moishe House
Orot: Center for New Jewish Learning
REACH (Resources for Educational Achievement, Collaboration and Health)
SVARA: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva

Supplement on Women and Girls
The 2016 Women and Girls supplement is dedicated in memory of Rochelle Shoretz, z”l


Created Equal: A Research and Educational Project on Men, Women and the Ethics of Shared Leadership (Shalom Hartman Institute of North America)
Gateways: Access to Jewish Education’s Special Path to Bat Mitzvah
Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse
Hebrew Free Loan Society: Entrepreneurship Training for Haredi Women
JCA Interages® Center’s Career Gateways Program
JOFA: Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance
L’Dor v’Dor Northern Michigan Jewish Women’s Rural Leadership Consortium
Mayyim Hayyim Living Waters Community Mikveh and Education Center
Moving Traditions
Nishmah: The St. Louis Jewish Women’s Project
Shalom Bayit
Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom
T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
The Jewish Woman Entrepreneur
The Organization for the Resolution of Agunot
Yeshivat Maharat