Living as One: The Genesis Prize on Engaging Intermarried Families and their Children
“As someone who has not always been welcomed in the Jewish community because of my mixed parentage, I am passionate about changing that reality for others
who want to connect to their heritage.
My children have further shown me how powerful our heritage and history are,
and I want other families to reap the benefits of this connection.”
Michael Douglas, #GenesisPrize2015 Ceremony
We are all part of one community, with one common heritage, “Living as One” Jewish people. At the #GenesisPrize2015 Ceremony, the Genesis Prize presented a video that highlights the need for inclusivity of all who identify as Jews.
The Genesis Prize Foundation and the Jewish Funders Network will launch their matching grant initiative this Monday, August 31st: Avenues to Jewish Engagement for Intermarried Couples and their Families, in honor of 2015 Genesis Prize Laureate Michael Douglas. Check out the fund’s website to learn how your organization can apply for matching funds, and watch the “Living as One” video (above) which outlines the opportunities associated with welcoming intermarried families.