Webinar: What Story Does Your School Tell About Its Jewish Purpose?
AVI CHAI has released two research reports on day school online/blended learning, as well as a case studies series on how day schools enact their Jewish missions. With the goals of increasing the reports’ dissemination; generating conversation around the findings; and encouraging schools and Jewish educational institutions to process the potential implications for how these findings could inform their thinking and practice, three free webinars are planned.
The first, “What story does your school tell about its Jewish purpose?” will be held this coming Monday, April 20th, between 1-2pm EST.
- Nicole Nash, Head of School at the Hannah Senesh Community Day School, and Rabbi Tully Harcsztark of SAR High School will share about the story their respective schools tell about their Jewish purposes. Moderated by Dr. Jack Wertheimer.
The webinar will be held on Google Hangouts on Air. Sign up here to receive the link.