The Week That Was: June 3-9
In today’s world, no nonprofit organization would think twice about collecting, and hopefully analyzing, information about their donors. So too, with website traffic. For how else can one effectively judge site visitors’ demographics and interests?
Based on site and RSS feed analytics, here – in alphabetical order – are the most popular posts on eJewish Philanthropy last week:
Jewish Communal Professional Compensation Survey Initiated
A group of NYU alumni are gathering compensation information up and down the Jewish communal ladder. You’re invited to participate.
Jewish Organizational Culture Part 2: Creating the Not-too-nice Organizational Culture
by David Bernstein
We are all familiar with examples of mean but brilliant leaders who preside over nasty organizational cultures that produce excellent results. They are expert micromanagers, telling everyone what to do and how to do it. They don’t ask for or accept feedback and publicly berate those who make “stupid” suggestions or fail to carry out a task in what they consider an effective or timely fashion.
The Establishment is Not an Idol
by Liz Fisher
At this week’s Jewish Futures Conference, Rabbi Laura Baum led a text study on Abraham and his bravery in smashing idols. At our tables, we were instructed to confide in each other: What are the idols in the Jewish community? What “idols” would you smash?
The Next “Big Idea”?
by Dr. Jonathan Mirvis
Taglit’s success begs the following question: is it possible to replicate this success with another age group in a different setting?
Valuing Our Advancing Jewish Professionals
by Mark S. Young
While attending The Jewish Education Project’s Jewish Futures Conference earlier this week in New York, I figured it a safe bet that the hundreds in attendance are all working to secure the Jewish future. If we indeed all are, it would be logical to prioritize training, nurturing, and valuing those who dedicate their professional lives to our community so we are strong for generations to come. I imagine few reading this article would disagree with this statement.
Is this our practice?
Wernick: Koach Closing, It’s “Non-strategic”
The budget committee of the United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism will recommend that funding be halted for Koach, the movement’s national college outreach program, when the governing board meets June 10, as part of an effort to reduce the organization’s deficit.
Click the red tab above for previous weeks most popular posts.