Saul Kagan Memorial Event Held at Limmud FSU Conference

A memorial service for Saul Kagan z”l, was held Thursday night as part of the opening plenary session at Limmud FSU Jerusalem. Some 400 Limmud FSU participants attended the memorial among them the Belarusian ambassador to Israel, Yacov Livne (head of the FSU department of the Israeli Foreign Ministry) and many other dignitaries.
Speaking at the ceremony, Rabbi Menachem Hacohen, a Claims Conference Vice President, said, “This week we have lost Mr. Saul Kagan z”l, one of the founders of the Claims Conference. There has been no other person like Saul Kagan with such unflagging devotion to Holocaust victims and to the commemoration of the Holocaust for the coming generation. He was a faithful friend and supporter of Limmud FSU. The Limmud FSU family will remember Mr. Saul Kagan z”l with much respect and honor.”
Chaim Chesler, Limmud FSU founder, lit the memorial candle.