OU-JLIC Campus Fellowships Renewed; Program Supports Orthodox Educators on College Campuses
The Seif Orthodox Union Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (OU-JLIC) program has announced the renewal of the OU-JLIC/Yeshiva University Fellowship for the academic year of 2016-17. It will be the third year of the Fellowship, which is accredited as a formal internship within Yeshiva University’s Rabbinical School, the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary’s (RIETS) Fourth Year Internship program; and the Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Studies (GPATS) at YU’s Stern College for Women. The Fellowship aims to serve as a training platform from which future full-time OU-JLIC Torah Educators, a young rabbi and his wife, will be drawn.
OU-JLIC is a program of the Orthodox Union in partnership with Hillel and with support from donors. It places an Orthodox couple on secular college campuses. Once there, the couples provide programming for Orthodox students as well as encouraging close-knit relationships with students who otherwise could be lost in the predominantly secular environment. For the current academic year, OU-JLIC is found on 22 campuses throughout the United States and Canada.