More from Tomorrow
A few selected links we think you may be interested in.
Peres: Conference ‘promoted Israel around the world’
Peres sees the conference’s success, above all, in the image boost he said it gave the state. He also praised the value of the networking that went on at the conference.
Jewish Demography and Peoplehood: 2008
Sergio DellaPergola’s position paper.
Digital world leaders foresee ‘personalization’
According to leaders from the Internet and media world, the fast emergence of the on-line world is changing the way we relate to information, and in the future will provide a much more open, social and emotional experience.
At ‘Israel’s Davos,’ there to see and be seen
from Haaretz: “…in fact, it seemed that most of the conference participants found it difficult to forgo face-to-face meetings with so many people from the top international league. The ability to bring together hundreds of key people in a variety of fields is Peres’ greatest achievement. The heady atmosphere that the guests from abroad brought with them, the fine food, the wine that flowed like water and the discussions of major issues turned the ICC into a bubble divorced from the Israeli reality.”
So who’s paying for Peres’s big bash?
Big donors – and what’s wrong with that?
updated May 19: Two Audiences, Two Speeches
More from the nice Jewish boy from the Washington Post, Michael Abramowitz, on the Bush visit to Jerusalem.