IFCJ Volunteers Distribute Food, Heaters and Blankets to Jerusalem Homebound
Under the direction of Keren L’Yedidut (the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews) more than 50 volunteers, including students living in the surrounding neighborhoods, came together yesterday morning to set up emergency centers in Kiryat Yuval and Pisgat Ze’ev to assist the hundreds of seniors living in the northern and southern neighborhoods of the city. Food, heaters and blankets were distributed.
Both President Shimon Peres and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat stopped by to offer words of encouragement.
Throughout the day volunteers visited dozens of homes of elderly citizens, many of whom were without electricity and still unable to leave their residences.
Mayor Barkat expressed how heart warming it was to see that The Fellowship “always seems to have a finger on the pulse [of the Israeli people] and knows how to respond to their most basic needs.”
Today, Keren L’Yedidut – at the request of the Jerusalem municipality – will open an aid center in East Jerusalem. Arabic-speaking volunteers have been recruited to visit Arab elderly and distribute aid donated by the organization.