IFCJ Supports Ohr Avner Clothing Program

Clothing packages were recently delivered to hundreds of Ukrainian children, thanks to donations to The Fellowship’s (IFCJ) Isaiah 58 program.

Twice a year, in the winter and summer, children who have been orphaned, come from disadvantaged families, or are physically or mentally disabled receive a voucher, or gift card, valued at $100. This allows them to hand-pick their own new clothes, which is a rare if not impossible luxury for disadvantaged children in the former Soviet Union. The sum distributed is sufficient for a large range of warm clothing that may include outerwear, footwear, underwear, etc.

The Fellowship’s Isaiah 58 program provides food, medical care, housing and other basic assistance to poor Jews in the former Soviet Union, and finances a network of safe children’s homes throughout the area.

Additionally, The Fellowship provides funding for food and daily hot meals for children attending Ohr Avner schools, food and clothing distribution in Ukraine, and shelter, food, basic needs, and education expenses of 55 children – infants to young adults – currently living at the Alumim Children’s Home in Zhitomir, Ukraine. The Ohr Avner Foundation supports more than 70 educational institutions in the former Soviet Union, including Jewish day schools, universities, kindergartens, orphanages and summer camps with an enrollment of over 13,000 students.

 photos courtesy The Fellowship (IFCJ)