Greater Miami Jewish Federation announces Gender Lens-focused Grantees
The Greater Miami Jewish Federation announces its grantees for Initiatives focused on gender lens grant-making both in Miami and in Israel:
· The Women’s Amutot Initiative supports programs from the Greater Miami Jewish Federation’s annual campaign to organizations in Israel that empower women to improve Israeli society through social, economic, religious, and political equality. This year, 30 programs were selected, granting over $300,000 in the areas of leadership development, preventing violence against women, social empowerment, and economic empowerment. A list of the 2020 grant awards can be found here.
· The Women’s Impact Initiative supports programs from the Greater Miami Jewish Federation’s annual campaign for Jewish women and girls in Miami-Dade County. 16 programs were selected, granting a total of $70,150. A list of the 2020 grant awards can be found here.
For more information on either of these Initiatives, contact Dahlia Bendavid at; 786-866-8445.