Applications Open: The Jewish Pedagogies Circle, a new initiative by M²: Institute for Experiential Jewish Education

What if Jewish education were to become a discipline that adopted particular Jewish ways of educating?

What would it look like if how we educate aligned with who we are and what we teach?

Can we unearth new ways of teaching that allow us to be more thoughtful, creative and relevant practitioners and learners?

Now is the time to push forward and ask is there something particular and unique about how Jewish education happens? Is there such a thing as a Jewish Pedagogy?

The Jewish Pedagogies Circle, a new initiative by M²: The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education, seeks to answer these questions by engaging a select group of scholar-practitioners in a virtual eight-month paid Studio & Lab experience.

Supported by the Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah and the Jim Joseph Foundation, eight fellows will be selected to investigate and reveal ideas, concepts and practices inherent to Jewish tradition that can shape and transform the ways in which we teach and students learn.

Cutting-edge thinkers, artists, scholars and educational content designers will support each fellow in researching and developing a distinct Jewish pedagogy that can inform their practice, their learners and ultimately the field of Jewish education at large.

 Over the course of eight months, fellows will gather for three day-long online convenings and will participate in two-hour discussion-based seminars twice a month. All gatherings will be designed and facilitated by M² faculty and guest scholars, mentors and artists.

Accepted applicants will receive $5,000 USD for researching, participating and producing final deliverables.

We invite you to take part in this exciting new endeavor. Applications are due August 9, 6pm ET. Interviews will take place August 10-14. Finalists will be announced on August 24. Please mark your calendar for our opening online symposium that will take place on Sunday, September 13.

To read more about our approach to what a Jewish pedagogy is, please read our concept paper here

To learn more and share your ideas contact