Yemen Aliyah: Is the Next Chapter Unfolding?
We have heard many conflicting rumors and stories over the past few months about the desire of many in the Yemen Jewish community to leave their community. We have refrained from making mention due to the possible sensitivity of discussions. We figured when a plane touches down somewhere, be it Ben Gurion, Monsey or elsewhere, it would be time enough. However, when a respected Israeli journalist publishes a story on the subject, and it involves two major Jewish communal organizations with global reach – it’s time for a link.
Haviv Rettig Gur writing in this morning’s Jerusalem Post
JA slams move to evacuate Yemenites
Officials in Israel and the Jewish Agency are angered at the coming move of more than 100 Yemenite Jews, almost half of the remaining community in that country, to the United States…
The resettlement is expected to cost some $2m., of which the UJC is raising some $800,000. The rest comes from the US government, which is the body officially bringing the Yemenite Jews, and local community contributions.
But not everyone is happy with the move.
“Clearly if you gave those $2 million to the Jewish Agency, they would do much more with that money in terms of improving their [the Yemenite Jews’] living conditions,” said an Israeli official who asked not to be named. “It would be more than enough to bring the entire population [of 270] to Israel.”