Top Ten Moments at the 2016 Jewish Teen Philanthropy Summit
Last week, nearly 100 Jewish professionals, partners, and stakeholders gathered at the Jewish Teen Philanthropy Summit in New York City. Organized by the Jewish Teen Funders Network (JTFN), the summit brought together the field of Jewish teen philanthropy for two days of workshops, speakers, collaborating, and learning. Attendees represented a variety of institutions from synagogues to JCCs, day schools to youth movements, federations, foundations and more; organizations that are veterans in the field, those for whom the summit was the perfect introduction to Jewish teen philanthropy, and everything in between.
The Jewish teen philanthropy programming challenges, and empowers, Jewish teens to take on the role of grantmaker, giving through a Jewish lens. We heard it over and over again, from those at the summit inside our field, and outside, “young people change the world.” This is not hyperbole, we know that thousands of teens participate in Jewish teen philanthropy programs, annually granting nearly $1,000,000 to organizations around the world. During the summit we celebrated these programs, these accomplishments, and 10 years of the Jewish Teen Funders Network.
In honor of JTFN’s 10 years, here are 10 of our favorite moments from this year’s summit:
10. Setting the bar for the next 10 years of Jewish teen philanthropy programming:
9. Reconnecting with colleagues and friends from across the field, and making some new ones:
8. Sharing resources and best practices from dozens of Jewish teen philanthropy programs:
7. Gathering professionals and educators from all over the world:6. Seeing the growth of the field and sharing the best parts of programs new and old:
6. Seeing the growth of the field and sharing the best parts of programs new and old:
5. Giving back together in a hands-on program with Amplifier and Slingshot Fund:
4. Trying on new ways to interact with traditional texts:
3. Learning from our friends from the secular youth philanthropy world as they launch and hearing how Jewish teen philanthropy fits in to the bigger picture.
2. Collaborating with leaders at and Crisis Text Line to explore what today’s teens need to thrive.
1. Celebrating 10 years of Jewish Teen Funders Network and Jewish teen philanthropy!
The Jewish Teen Funders Network is a central resource for the growing field of Jewish teen philanthropy. JTFN creates, connects, and supports Jewish teen philanthropy programs around the world, offering programming resources, professional development, and program consultations. JTFN is a program of the Jewish Funders Network. To learn more about Jewish teen philanthropy visit