The Week That Was: April 1-7
In today’s world, no nonprofit organization would think twice about collecting, and hopefully analyzing, information about their donors. So too, with website traffic. For how else can one effectively judge site visitors’ demographics and interests?
Based on site and RSS feed analytics, here – in alphabetical order – are the most popular posts on eJewish Philanthropy last week:
Do-It-Yourself Communications for Nonprofits on a Budget
by Jo-Ann Mort and Julie Sedlis
Even if you can’t afford communications staff, there are steps that you can take to effectively run your own communications. They involve planning, structure and a set of best practices.
Four Zionist Questions for the Seder
by Rabbi Daniel R. Allen
Israel and Zionism should be at the core of our Passover observance. The Exodus from Egypt had a goal not just of freedom for the Jewish People but a return to our own land, our own sovereignty, and our own Jewish ways of living. We are required to make the story meaningful for every generation; hence we should be asking four important questions about Israel and considering four kinds of Zionists.
MaNishtana? Why is Federation Different from all Other Jewish Charities
by Cathrine Fischer Schwartz
Passover is, arguably, the most widely celebrated Jewish holiday. As I was preparing this year, I began to think about “the four questions” and, in turn, the subject of questions in general. In my position as the CEO of a local Jewish Federation, I’m asked A LOT of questions. The most frequent being, “Why should I give to Federation when I can give directly to the cause I care about most?”
Reflections on 25 Years as a Communal Professional
by Rabbi Louis Feldstein
Being a professional in the Jewish world is not easy. Regrettably, sometimes my colleagues are treated or seen as servants, second-class citizens, or just people who are doing this because they couldn’t make it in the “real world.” My friends, nothing could be further from the truth. The non-profit sector is the real world, and without these dedicated professionals (and yes, they are professionals), our community would be far weaker if not nonexistent.
Telling the Story with Feeling, Then and Now
by Eric M. Lankin
If our goal is to facilitate connection and commitment of the next generation of Jews to Israel, again we must avoid only conveying the facts and figures of life in Israel and the specific details of this or that invention, as extraordinary as they may be. We must connect these young Jews to our Israeli brethren in Israel, allow them to hear the Israelis share their feelings of life in Israel and the society which, as Israelis, they are committed to continuously protect and improve.
Click the red tab above for previous weeks most popular posts.