Summer Arts Program brings Secular and Religious Teens Together in Jerusalem
With a goal of providing exposure to Jewish multi-culturalism and diversity, AMI Neshima, Beit Midrash Elul and UJA-Federation of NY are hosting a summer camp, Tamuza, for teens focused on music, theater and art. Sixty teens are participating in the program.
Through hands-on participation, the teens will experience:
- Sessions with known, diverse artists
- Creative workshops taught by Israel’s leading creative personalities
- Trips to galleries and performances
- Interactive learning
The teens will engage with traditional and modern Jewish texts and use the knowledge gained to inspire discussions; connect to Jewish Identity and make it relevant to daily life; experience a culture of Judaism that is as interesting, meaningful and relevant as secular, western culture; and create original art. The experience will culminate in a final performance presenting the work the participants created during the camp.
The program will continue during the school year with both full day and overnight activities.
Tamuza is generously supported by UJA-Federation NY.