Ruderman Foundation Grants $2.5m to Place Adults with Disabilities in Jobs
The Ruderman Family Foundation has announced a grant of $2.5 million to Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP) of Boston to fund a new program that places young adults with disabilities in jobs. The program, called Young Adult Transitions to Work, will provide job training, placement and ongoing support services for young adults with disabilities at Hebrew SeniorLife and other local employers in Boston. The program will be run by Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) as part of CJP’s “Pathways” program for people with disabilities.
Young Adult Transitions to Work represents a new approach to job placement for people with disabilities by partnering on a pilot project with Hebrew SeniorLife to identify jobs and develop customized training and support that match those positions. It also combines comprehensive training to fully integrate life, work readiness and vocational skills, and ongoing case management once individuals have been placed in jobs.