New Report Highlights Key Drivers in Relationship between Washington, Diaspora Jewry, and Israel
The Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) has released its 11th Annual Assessment of the Situation and Dynamics of the Jewish People.
This year’s Assessment is the first effort to measure the impact of government of Israel decisions on US-Israel relations. The report contains a study, prepared as a tool for Israeli decision makers, on key drivers in the triangular relationship between Washington, Diaspora Jewry, and Israel and how Israeli policies can affect relations between the three sides, in both positive and negative ways.
JPPI conducted, for the second year, a structured dialogue process with more than 40 Jewish communities around the world. This year’s subject was Jewish Values and the Use of Force in Armed Conflict. These discussions, within the broader framework of JPPI’s Pluralism and Democracy project, delivered a number of important insights regarding how world Jewry understands Israel’s security policies, and how Diaspora Jews characterize their impact on their lives and on their relationships with Israel.
In addition, the dialogue project, in which more non-Orthodox than Orthodox Jews participated, found that young secular, Conservative and Reform associated Jews were more negative about Israel’s conduct during the war and more doubtful about Israel’s efforts towards peace.
The Assessment’s 2014-2015 Executive Summary and Policy Recommendations are available here.