Live Streaming of Debbie Friedman Funeral
Temple Beth Sholom of Santa Ana, California, will be providing a live feed of Debbie Friedman’s funeral today.
The feed will begin a few minutes before 11:00 a.m. PST. The full video will be archived and available for streaming online 15-30 minutes following the conclusion of the service.
The video streaming is made possible through the generosity of the Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute and all the URJ Camps of North America.
“Debbie Friedman is uniquely responsible for the transformation of liberal Jewish sacred music in North America in the last 35 years.”
Chazzan Danny Maseng, Jewish Journal
“Her liturgical melodies have had more impact on what is sung in synagogues worldwide than any other woman in Judaism’s 4,000-year history.”
Paul Wieder, JUF News