JDC Responds to Russian Heatwave
With thousands of Jewish seniors and children effected by the unprecedented Russian heat and smoke pollution, the American Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), stepped up its daily services for these populations.
In Moscow, JDC staff along with more than 40 young Jewish students – often recruited through Facebook and JDC young leadership programs – have made more than 900 calls and numerous home visits to isolated seniors. During these visits, the young people provided much-needed solace to the elderly and brought extra food, drinking water, medicine, and helped clean their homes. These volunteers have also staffed a children’s care center at the Nikitskaya JCC, where air-conditioned relief is being provided for low-income families.
Outside Moscow, JDC efforts include increased monitoring and support of the elderly; the installation of additional air-conditioning units in its local community centers in regions most affected by the heat and the transportation of seniors from their hot homes to these centers. JDC also joined leaders, including Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, in making a donation to the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation’s fund for victims of the wildfires that were sparked by the high temperatures.