Hefzibah and Tel Am Leaders Visit Dnepropetrovsk School
Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine – The Levi Yitzchak Schneerson Day School in Dnepropetrovsk, which is part of the Ohr Avner Chabad educational network, hosted a visit by the heads of the Israeli “Hefzibah” and “Tel Am” educational programs in the CIS and Baltic countries.
Under the “Hefzibah” program, Israeli teachers are invited to Jewish schools outside of Israel to improve the quality of teaching of the Hebrew language, as well as aiding in the formation of students’ Jewish identity. The “Tel Am” program is for the in-depth study of Hebrew and Judaism for elementary grade students according to a unique methodology developed in Canada.
“Tel Am” offers teacher training, methodological support, provides classes with visual aids, teaching materials, as well as workbooks and other study aids for each student. All of the materials feature high quality printing, which peaks their interest, in addition to motivating them to engage in intensive study.
“Tel Am” not only offers the “teaching Hebrew in Hebrew,” but also gives children the opportunity to immediately use the knowledge they have gained. Lessons on Jewish history, holidays and values are correlated with the Hebrew lessons. All lessons are interactive and involve games in the learning process; the project involves a few heroes with whom the children experience various adventures. These characters not only accompany the child during the school year, but go with him from class to class, offering continuity.
“The program is supported by Israel’s Ministry of Education, the Ohr Avner Foundation, the Avi Chai Foundation, and Genesis,” explains Ms. Lerner, Program Coordinator for the CIS and Baltic States. “This is a top-notch program. Although it is costly, we cover all expenses for training teachers, preparation of teaching materials, holding annual seminars and ongoing methodological support. Local structures only finance the salaries of those teachers who are implementing the project, while students make a nominal payment at the beginning of the year for a set of learning material handouts.”
a version of this article appeared on fjc.ru news