Comings and Goings:
Yechiel Hoffman

Jewish Interactive (Ji) has named Dr. Rabbi Yechiel Hoffman as its first US Director. Yechiel joins Ji to advance the organization’s activities in the United States in their mission of providing accessible and affordable high quality Jewish & Hebrew education to students through their families and schools. Yechiel will oversee Ji’s daily US operations, and will focus on advancing Ji’s development, strategic planning, outreach and partnerships.

Most recently Yechiel served as Director of Youth Learning and Engagement for Temple Beth Am in Los Angeles, overseeing the Jewish journeys of children 0 -18 and their families.

A longtime Limmud volunteer and professional, Yechiel co-founded JEDLAB, conducts inclusivity training for educators for Keshet, and serves on the board of Jumpstart Labs. Yechiel earned a Doctorate in Education from Northeastern University, studying the value of learning networks in cultivating innovation in Jewish education. Yechiel is a recipient of the prestigious Pomegranate Prize for leading emergent Jewish educators from the Covenant Foundation.