BBYO Launches JOOMIE: A Jewish Roommate Finder App
An app geared toward helping Jewish college students find roommates has launched at BBYO’s International Convention (IC) 2017 this weekend in Dallas.
Available for both iOS and Android devices, Joomie matches Jewish high school seniors or current college students who are set to attend the same college or university. First formulated in a hack-a-thon sponsored by Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation’s ROI Community, teens from Tel Aviv to Silicon Valley brainstormed ways to use technology to connect with BBYO or camp friends as they transition to college,
“One of the most exciting aspects of Joomie is that it was thought up by teens as they sought ways to make it easier for students who are leaving their familiar Jewish communities behind to build new ones on campus.” said Matt Grossman, Chief Executive Officer, BBYO. “We believe that usage of Joomie will help facilitate the transition to college for many students, and ultimately promote a greater engagement in Jewish life in campuses across North America.”
Students who download the free Joomie app will login with their Facebook account, select their college and year of graduation, and answer a series of questions in order to match them with people who have similar interests, hobbies, and values. Questions range from their Jewish youth group affiliations and whether they’re Sabbath observant and keep kosher, to what kind of music they like, types of campus activity interests they have, and whether they’re early birds or night owls, and messy or neat freaks.
Students then will be able to see profiles of others who have downloaded the app, are planning to attend the same college or university, and are good potential roommate matches based on other profile characteristics.