A Do-It-Yourself Seder
from Boston.com:
A do-it-yourself kit for celebrating Passover
Hoping to make Passover more accessible to the younger set, JewishBoston.com is offering its first do-it-yourself Seder kit. Free to Boston-area residents, ages 18 to 40, who sign up by April 8, “Seder in a Box’’ includes just about everything but the food and the guests: a Seder plate, a basic Haggadah, a leader’s guide, recipes, a shopping list, instructions for setting the table, and a matzo cover. Oh, and some green plastic frogs, representing one of the 10 plagues.
“We wanted to take the guesswork out of it for people who have never done it before,’’ said David Levy, the editor of an online hub for the area’s Jewish community, JewishBoston.com.
… The idea is not entirely original. Hillel groups and other Jewish organizations have tried similar programs, and a California man registered “Seder in a Box’’ as a trademark last year; his plan was to sell packages that included a how-to DVD, prayer books, and traditional foods, according to the US Patent and Trademark Office website.
JewishBoston.com “adapted the concept for the Boston market,’’ [Patty] Jacobson [director of JewishBoston.com] said.